Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Nov. 27/19

School is dismissed at 11 o'clock tomorrow.  All children should attend tomorrow if possible as we are still busy preparing for our conferences and presenting Reader's Workshop books.  Please practice the book with the post-it in the book bag tonight if possible.  Please note there is NO School on Friday except for conferences.  As stated in the email, please arrive on time for your child's conference - the first 15 minutes is in the hall looking through your child's work and then the next 15 is with me in the classroom.  A total of 30 minutes.  Please enter the school by the front door as there will be conferences going on in the classroom. If something comes up and you are not able to attend please call the school to let me know.  Thanks!

December will be an exciting but very busy month!

Dr. Saul has been working very hard with all the classes in preparation for our Christmas Concert.  Div. 9 & 10 will be singing Feliz Navidad.  For their costume we thought they could wear dress clothes,  something that they'd wear for Christmas or New Years even bow ties! Please do not feel you have to buy something new, anything somewhat festive or even Christmas colours would be fine.

Thank you to the Law family from Mrs. Roberts' class for providing all the wood for a special upcoming craft.

Div. 10 is organizing a Toy Drive so that Fairview can help families in our community have great Christmas.  Please send in your donations next week.  Thanks for supporting an important cause and helping your children realize they can make a difference in other people's lives.

Please sign up for skating - Thursday, Dec. 19th on the portal as soon as possible.

Other important events in December...

The Leadership kids have decided on the spirit week themes for Dec 9-13.

Spirit Week Days:
Mon Dec 9 - Crazy Hair Day
Tues Dec 10 - House Colours Day
Wed Dec 11 - Twin Day
Thurs Dec 12 - Sports Day (dress up in sports stuff or wear a jersey)
Fri Dec 13 - Career Day (dress up like a professional)
Tues Dec 17 - Bake Sale (change from Dec 11) at lunch
Dec. 20 is Pajama Day and our class celebration in the afternoon.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Nov. 22/19

Our Great Canadians this week were Maya, Liam, Holden and Caleb.  It's exciting to see how well 7 and 8 year olds can present and capture their audiences attention with their presentations and stories!

Conference are coming next week...Thursday Nov. 28th and Friday, Nov. 29th please sign up on the parent portal. These conferences are a total of 30 minutes  please arrive at the time you sign up for.  The first 15 minutes your child will show their work in the hall and the next 15 mins will be with me and your child sharing and celebrating their learning plus setting goals for next term.  Please let me know if these dates do not work for your family and we can make other arrangements.
***Please note Thursday is an 11:00 dismissal and there is no school Friday except for conferences.

Skating is now up on the portal.  It is Thursday, Dec. 19th at 1:00.  Drivers are needed. Please and thank you!!

Div. 10 is organizing a Toy Drive so that Fairview can help families in our community have great Christmas.  You should have received a letter today explaining this in more detail.

Thanks to Liam's for making a huge batch of play dough for our class!  It is very appreciative~

The students will be bring home (in their book bag) a Bat book sometime in the next week called A Surprise in the Barn please read it over with your child.

Thank you to the PAC for giving Div. 9 & 10 special treats on Monday (since we missed them on Friday when they sold out).

Ziplock bags are needed for library books due to all the damaged library books we have recently received. Please read over the notice from Mrs. Holmes on the portal.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nov. 15/19

Our field trip to Fort Langley was great!!  Thank you to all our parent helpers!  We had a 2-1 ratio - making everything much easier and the children learned so much about the history of Canada, BC and the fur trade!  ***Parents that joined us the cost for each parent was $3.00, could you please send that in asap - thanks again for all your help!

Rhys and Neena were our Great Canadians this week!  It is impressive how well they present in front of their classmates.

Important Reminders...

***Students bought home special book bags on Wednesday.  Please take the time to read the letter and and the sheet explaining the importance of reading everyday (10-15 minutes per day will make a difference)!!!
***Our last Scholastic order before Christmas was sent out on Wednesday.  The deadline is next Wednesday.   If any of you would like to have anything for gifts please let me know and I can secretly give the order to you!
***Please sign up for Conferences as soon as possible!
***Some students still don't have headphones or earbuds please send these in as we use them both in the classroom and the computer lab.
***Please be sure that you have paid for your child's planners $7.00.
***Our next skating field trip is on Thursday, Dec. 19 with our buddy class.  It will be on the portal later today.
***Mark your calendars, Leadership has planned Spirit Week is Dec. 9-13th - more information to follow!  Dec. 11 is a bake sale!  Dec. 20th is Pajama Day!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Nov 7/19

The students were proud of the poppy wreath we made for our Remembrance Day assembly!

Music with Dr. Saul is always very exciting - yesterday they were creating music for different old Mickey Mouse cartoon clips!  Sorry the video with the sound was too big to add but very cool activity that they will do a few times this year.

Our Great Canadians this week were Aiden, Kate and A.J. - again all awesome presentations!  If you have any questions about your child's presentation please let me know.

Reminders for Div. 9...
***Please sign up and pay as soon as possible for our field trip to Fort Langley on Thursday, Nov. 14th.  We are currently still short drivers, so hopefully we do not have to cancel as we will not be able to get a refund.
***Conferences are Thursday Nov. 28th and Friday, Nov. 29th please sign up on the parent portal. These conferences are a total of 30 minutes  please arrive at the time you sign up for.  The first 15 minutes your child will show their work in the hall and the next 15 mins will be with me and your child sharing and celebrating their learning plus setting goals for next term.  Please let me know if these dates do not work for your family and we can make other arrangements.
***If any parent could make some play dough for the class that would be really appreciated, please just let me know.  Thanks in advance.
***Tomorrow is a Non-Instructional day so there is no school for students and Monday, is Remembrance Day is a holiday.  Enjoy this long weekend.

Week #12 - Last week of School! It's Summer!!!

Wow it our last week of school!  For this week please make your photo collage and decorate the cover for your memory book  (as outlined on ...