Friday, May 1, 2020

Week #5 May 4 - 8

Hi Everyone,
I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and coping in our new ‘normal’!.  This week’s learning opportunities largely focus on a rainbow theme and 3Dimensional shapes. We haven’t forgotten mom’s/caregivers so have included a couple of activities on Friday that we hope your child can do somewhat independently so you have a bit of a surprise on Sunday. There are no additional spelling sheets in the drop box this week as we allow two weeks for review lists due to their length.   We will continue with our weekly Zoom meetings at 1:00 on Monday and 11:00 on Wednesday and Friday.  I hope to see you there! 
 Please email or send pictures of this week’s Must Do’s!  
1) Wednesday’s literacy 
2) One of the Numeracy activities from the week (not necessary if doing Prodigy as I can see your child’s progress there) 
If interested go toSpelling City to practice go to this link (you don’t need to register)

Monday ZOOM @ 1:00
Spelling Lesson 6 Review 
Part 2 -finish lesson from last week – please write the rest of the words in planner eg) Green fan/map/bag  Blue sprint/twist/crash. 
OR If I found a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow I would...First, Next, Last
Also Rainbow and Shape Poems in Printables Week #6
Close to 20 – Remove face cards except for the Aces. Deal 3 cards to each player. Place them face up in front of you. Which two cards bring you close to 20? Which player is closest?  Challenge: Make it a larger number and use more cards. You can also ‘risk it’ by having players ask for more cards to see who can get closest to the number without going over.
DPA (Daily Physical Activity)/Outdoor Learning/Science
Spring Collections: Choose an item from nature that you can see
in your yard. From your window, guess how many you might find. Check your guess by collecting the items and counting your total. Now use your collection and imagination to create something new! 

Tuesday (Thoughtful Tuesday) 
Brainstorm and write down ways to show kindness to others.  Use and 8 1/2 X11 piece of white paper to make a cloud, in that cloud in big letters write Be A Rainbow in Someone Else's Cloud! You can use felts to trace over letters to make this colourful.  Cut out the cloud.  Then on strips of coloured paper (all the differet colours of the rainbow) write the words you have brainstormed e.g.) smilem share your toys.  If you don't have coloured paper, just use white paper and colour.  Add these strips to the cloud in the correct order of a rainbow. 
1) Choose 2 of the shapes and count the faces (flat parts), vertices (corners) and edges (line between two corners). Draw the shape and record your answers.
2) Go on a scavenger hunt in your home!See how many three- dimensional shapes you can find. Look for rectangular prisms, cylinders, cubes, cones, pyramids, and spheres.Make a tally and graph (Printables for week #3)
DPA (Daily Physical Activity)/Outdoor Learning/Science
Use the following exercises and see how many times you can go through the numbers that are in your phone number.0- 20 second plank hold, 1- 1 burpee, 2 – 2 star jumps, 3- 3 squats 4- 4 toe touches, 5- 5 sit ups, 6- 6 walking lunges

Wednesday - ZOOM 11:00
Write a letter to yourself that could be placed in a time capsule for you and others to read 10 years from now. Write about how you are feeling and what activities you are doing to keep yourself busy at home. (Please send me a scan or photo of your letter) 
3D Match (Week 5 Printables).  Cut out card and create a ‘Memory game’.  Whenever you find a match, record it on the answer sheet. If you don’t have access to a printer, create your own Memory game by drawing/taping pictures and words inside an old set of playing cards.
DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Make rainbow milk

A great mnemonic device for remembering the colours of the rainbow is Roy. G BIV (Red, Orange Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet). Draw your own Roy G. BIV character and write a story about him.  Edit story using C.O.P.S (capitals, organization, punctuation, spelling). Self-edit first and then have a parent edit.  If you’d like re write and make a published copy.
Describe this pattern and write the next three numbers: 
45, 42, 39 Use your 100 chart and collect 3 small items such as lego to help you answer this question.  Challenge…come up with your own number pattern.  Write the first 3 numbers and ask a family member to complete it.
DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Bounce a ball on the ground and clap once before catching it. Now try it again but clap 2 times. What is your world record for clapping before catching the ball?  Try it with different balls.  Which ball/technique works best? Why?

Friday   ZOOM @ 11:00 
Mother’s Day is on Sunday!  Make a rainbow of coupons your mom/caregiver can use.  Examples: This coupon is good for unlimited hugs.  This coupon is good for 30 minutes of quiet time for mom.  This coupon is good for one free bedroom clean up (without complaining ). This coupon is good for setting the table.
1.    Cut 7 strips of paper (use a ruler so they are about the same width). 
2.    Write your coupon idea on each strip
3.    Colour the end of the strip in a rainbow colour and/or draw something in that colour eg. Red flower Orange butterfly etc. (Remember Roy. G. BIV)
4.    Put the strips in the order of the rainbow
5.    Ask an adult or older sibling to help you staple it (or you could use a paperclip)  
6.    Put it somewhere safe until Sunday 
Make a card for your mom.  On the front cover: Draw 1 picture of you, 2 pictures of her favourite food, 3 pictures of her favourite drink.  4 pictures of a flower.  5 hearts and 6 decorative designs of your choice.  Add these numbers up 1+2+3…What is your total?  Now count your pictures…Do they add up to the same number? Write a message to mom inside the card. (Word bank: Thank you, Happy Mother’s Day, Love you, Appreciate all that you do, hugs and kisses, You’re awesome, the best)
DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Use a skipping rope, yarn or string to make 5 different 2D shapes that are not a circle, triangle or square.  Label the shapes using your 2D ‘Meet the Shapes’ poster from last week.

Just for Fun:
Thanks to Mrs. Roberts for the jokes this week…
1.What kind of bow can’t be tied? (see end of post for answer)
2. Knock Knock                   
   Who’s there?
    Potty Who?
If you have jokes to share, please email them to me and I will continue to include a couple each week in our blog. 
Directed Drawings: Clouds (with faces)/Rainbow
Rainbow Fish
This week's tongue twister is - The ridiculous rabbit and the red raccoon ran over the rainbow    (Try to say it 3x fast - time it and see what your record is)  
*Liam we will do yours next week.

This week’s challenge is… 
The Thumb Artist Challenge...You need a piece of drawing paper, something to color your thumb with (paints if you have them) and your imagination. The goal is to draw a creative picture using only your thumbs...good luck!  How many colours of the rainbow did you use?

Joke Answers:   1) A rainbow    2) A potty at the end of the rainbow   

*Please note: Students are encouraged to read 15-20 minutes/day in addition to the activities outlined below. This can be done using books or magazines that you have at home, RAZ kids, Epic or Tumblebooks etc.  

Please note: I am following the guidelines set out by our District Superintendant, Sylvia Russel.  The activities I am offering are ‘learning opportunities’.  Please feel free to use my weekly suggestions as you see fit.
'Kindergarten-Grade 3 planning will focus on language and literacy as well as numeracy from the provincial curriculum; an average of five to seven hours of learning opportunities per student per week'.  So, that would equal approximately 1- 1.5 hours/day.

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Week #12 - Last week of School! It's Summer!!!

Wow it our last week of school!  For this week please make your photo collage and decorate the cover for your memory book  (as outlined on ...