Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 6-10th - Week #1

April 6-10th  
***Please read the Home/Online first - Thanks!

By Thursday, I would like students to email me:
1) Their letter 2) Their best tongue twister challenge time 3) Their high score for the sock challenge and if possible a joke 
*Having your child write this email (or at least part of it) would be great keyboarding practice if you have the time.

Literacy for the week:
***Listen to Jan Brett’s story – The Easter Egg   Write about the book, highlight the main events of the story and/or tell why you liked or didn’t like the story.  Illustrate your favourite part or design a new book cover. 

***Write an email (or send a photo of a letter you’ve written) to me (Ms Rowledge-Toscani) explaining how you are doing. Make sure to include the following details about your spring break; favorite meal, something that made you laugh, favorite movie or book, something you made or built, something new that you tried, plus ways you are either keeping in shape or keeping your mind sharp. 

***The Easter bunny is normally the face of Easter. Imagine if another animal was the face of Easter. What animal would you choose to represent Easter and why? How would this animal change Easter?  Include an illustration of your ‘Easter ________’

***You wake up on Easter to discover that you have become the Easter bunny. What would your day be like as an Easter bunny? Describe your experience.
***During an egg hunt, you find a magical glowing egg. What happened next? Did anything interesting come out of the egg? Why was it glowing? Does it have magical powers?
***A great book is Kallie George’s book “The Enchanted Egg” – a couple years ago Kallie came to the Maple Ridge Library and we went to see her she is an excellent children’s writer.  I will add her website to our useful links.  
Easter Literacy and Math –

*Any of these activities can be printed and completed

Numeracy                                        ***Draw a picture of your family from shortest to tallest. Label each one. Measure each family member with your marker-lengths (I know how many of you love to join your markers together! ). Write their lengths under their picture. Challenge:  If your family has a measuring tape/meter stick, measure each person using this.  Remember to record your results in centimeters (cm)

***Lisa and Dan went Easter egg hunting. Lisa found 23 eggs and
Dan found 77 eggs. How many eggs did they find combined? How many more eggs did Dan find than Lisa? Make up your own number story... ask a family member to solve it. Check their answer. *This can be adapted for your child by decreasing/increasing the number. Manipulatives (such as lego pieces) are helpful if you are working with smaller numbers

***I have 12 Easter Eggs.  Make equations using the number 12.  Challenge:  How many multiplication and division questions can you make?  Collect 12 small items that you can use as manipulatives.

***Find the total number of plates, glasses, napkins, forks, knives, and spoons for four place settings. Challenge:8 place settings, 16 place settings. Write these up as addition questions and multiplication questions.  **Help out your parents by setting the table for Easter dinner this weekend.

Art – How to draw an Easter Bunny

DPA (Daily Physical Activity/Outdoor Learning)

***Take a family Walk. Can you find 5 beautiful things? When you get home draw/paint/sketch one of the beautiful things you saw.

***Make a ‘Hopscotch’ game outside using sidewalk chalk.  Don’t have chalk?  Build an obstacle course for you and your family to hop through.  

***Make 10 Easter Eggs to hide around your house and/or yard (these can be made out of paper, crumpled tinfoil, building toys-it’s up to you). Time how long it takes your parent or sibling to find them (at least half of the egg must show).  Now let them hide them on you.  Time how long it takes you.  Who found them faster?

***Go for a walk around your neighborhood with your family.  How many hearts do you see in people’s windows/yards?  This is a good way to practice your ‘Easter egg hunting’ skills 


This week’s tongue twister (Try to say it 3x fast-time it and see what your record is) - Each Easter Eddie Eats 80 Easter Eggs.

This week’s challenge is…The Sock-Clap Challenge...take 2 socks, fold them into an egg shape, sit on your bottom in a room where you can’t knock anything over and cause damage (parents to approve spot). Please avoid using a room that has a 15 foot ceiling as not all homes have high ceilings to use. The challenge is to throw your sock ball up as high as you can and clap as many times as you can before catching the ball with one hand. You must catch the ball to make it count and you must have an adult witness to count your claps and catch...good luck! Make sure you practice before asking someone to count for you.  

JOKES – Please try to find or make up a joke that you’d like to share I will add them each week!  We all need lots of laughs!

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