Friday, May 8, 2020

May 11 - 15th Week's Learning

Hi Everyone,
I hope you and your loved ones are well This week we will be focusing on time.  While it is not expected at these grade levels that students be able to tell time, we feel it is important to lay the groundwork and encourage the application of this skill for those who are ready.  We explore time in terms of seasons, past, future, different units etc. Here is a useful link for those of you who would like to practice/explore this further.  
Trudy’s Time and Place House (There are several ‘time-related options on this site. Click on the digital/analog clocks to explore this option)
By Friday, I would like students to email me 1) Monday’s literacy 2) A math assignment (if not on Prodigy) 3) Their high score for this week’s challenge  

***I have included a ‘Time Booklet’ in Printables Week #6  
Please do not feel you have to do all or any of these, pick/choose any that might be good for where your child is at or ones they would like to do. 
See picture of Printables of 3D shapes please review the shape names, how many faces, vertices and edges.  Also discuss what 2D shape each face makes!

Laughter will help us get through these challenging times, 
so thought I’d start with the jokes! This week’s jokes are…  Cam - What do cats put in drinks?  and Jayton - Why did the Star Wars movies come out in the order 4,5,6,1,2,3?

Monday ZOOM @ 1:00
Write 5 memories you have from your past and 5 things you would like to accomplish or experience in the future.  Read your lists to a family member and email them to me, please. .
Spelling Lesson (optional on Printables)  
Building Skeletons! Look around your home for materials to build skeletons of 3D figures (e.g., straws and play dough, toothpicks and marshmallows, rolled up newspaper and tape).
Build a skeleton of one-two 3D shapes of your choice (hint: shapes with flat edges are easier to make) 
After you finish building ask: How many edges does it have? Vertices (corners)? What 2D shapes are in your skeleton (faces)? How many of each 2D shape? Can you find an object in your house that looks like the 3D skeleton you made? 
DPA (Daily Physical Activity)/Outdoor Learning/Science
Watch this video clip on sundials and if the sun is out, make your own sundial using one of the suggestions in the clip.   

Write 5-10 questions that you would like to ask your parent(s) about when they were your age. Leave a few lines between each question. Interview your parent(s) and record their answers.  
Make a clock!  Use the printables in the week 6 folder on the class blog.  Practice making times on the hour (o’clock) and half an hour.  Need a challenge?  Extend the times you are making eg. 8:15. 7:45, 9:10 etc.  Is your time am or pm?
*Parents: we do recognize that many households do not have brad fasteners in them.  Here are some alternative suggestions on how to affix the hands to your clock.  1)use a pin and eraser 2) use 2 paperclips 3) add rolled tape to the back of each hand (or your child could just lay the hands in place without them being attached to the clock)
DPA (Daily Physical Activity)/Outdoor Learning/Science
Make a ‘seasonal’ obstacle course. Place a cone or other object to indicate your start line.  Put a pile of 3-4 items at the other end of the backyard, room or hallway.  Run from the start line to the pile and put on one item. Run back to thestart, run around the cone and head back to the pile.  Do this until you are wearing all of your seasonal gear.  Get someone to time you or make two piles and race someone!   Clothing pile example: toque, scarf, mittens, boots or sun hat, swimsuit, sandals, t-shirt.

Wednesday – 
ZOOM 11:00 *Dr. Saul – have some pots/pans/wooden spoon ready!
Phone/Zoom a grandparent, family friend or neighbor who is a generation (or two) older than your parents.  Ask them the same questions you asked your parent(s).  They will love to hear from you!   You do not need to record these, just enjoy your chat.  You could also share this week’s jokes or see if they have any!
Estimate how many times you can say your name in 10 seconds, write your name in one minute and how many pages you can read in 15 minutes.  Have someone time you and see how your estimate compares to your answer.
DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Play "Pots and Pan Style Music" for your family or Health Care Workers at 7:00
Go for a walk in your neighborhood looking for 2D and 3D shapes.  Which shapes do you notice are most common?

What is your favourite season and why? Write a paragraph.  Draw an illustration that shows what you love about that season.
What time is it now? Write down the time. What time will it be in 30 minutes? What time was it 20 minutes ago? You can use the clock you made to answer these questions.
DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Turn on calming music. Stretch your body in different ways and hold the stretch.
Stretch up to the sky, reach to your toes, make yourself as wide as possible, make yourself as small as possible, twist one way and then the other. Do this for 10 minutes or longer. 

Friday   ZOOM @ 11:00 
Write a news article or fictional story about what life is like in the year 2120 (100 years from now).  If you choose to write the news article remember to include the who, what, where when, why and how of what is happening in your story.  If you choose to write a fictional story, you could use the same templates that guided your writing for the Dr. Seuss story (week 4 printables).  
Ask someone to read you a book. Record the start time and end time. How long did it take? Less than an hour, more than an hour? Use the clock you made on Tuesday to make the start time/end time.
DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Sound & Sense: Take out several miscellaneous items. Look at all the items for 30 seconds and then cover them with a blanket to hide them from sight.
Reaching under the blanket, one person picks up an item and makes a sound with it. Ask your partner to guess which item made the sound. 
Examples of items might be a comb (run your fingers along it), a glass (gently tap it), cymbals, shakers, sandpaper, blocks rubbed together, a pot and spoon. Be creative and have fun!

Just for Fun:
Directed Drawings: 
How to draw a baby. You could draw ‘Boss baby’ or add details that make the baby look more like you when you were a baby.  Ask your parents for a picture and to tell you a funny story about when you were a baby.
How to draw a car. Once you have drawn this car, design your own ‘Car of the future’. Add lots of detail and include labels on the special features.

This week's tongue twister is from Liam - (Try to say it 3x fast - time it and see what your record is) Three trees throw things through their thick twigs!

This week’s challenge is… 
The Fairview Elementary Schoolword list challenge. Write as many words as you can by using the letters in the underlined words. Example: view, Sam, cool, etc. Write them down on a sheet of paper, count your total. You will have the opportunity to show your list at our Friday morning Zoom meeting.  Hints: You could cut out the letters and manipulate them to make new words, look for rhyming patterns and use the letter ‘s’ to make plurals. Start this list on your own but this can also be a family effort!  Go team!

*Please note: Students are encouraged to read 15-20 minutes/day in addition to the activities outlined below. This can be done using books or magazines that you have at home, RAZ kids, Epic or Tumblebooks etc.
Please note: I am following the guidelines set out by our District Superintendant, Sylvia Russel.  The activities I am offering are ‘learning opportunities’.  Please feel free to use my weekly suggestions as you see fit.
'Kindergarten-Grade 3 planning will focus on language and literacy as well as numeracy from the provincial curriculum; an average of five to seven hours of learning opportunities per student per week'.  So, that would equal approximately 1- 1.5 hours/day.

Answers:   1) Mice Cubes      2) Yoda was in charge of the sequence            

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Week #12 - Last week of School! It's Summer!!!

Wow it our last week of school!  For this week please make your photo collage and decorate the cover for your memory book  (as outlined on ...